Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Family is All Here!

Thank you all for your prayers!  The family is all here safely in Akutan now!  Here was Rachelle's post to FB:

"We flew this morning on the Grumman Goose (small historic plane) for our final flight to Akutan! Beautiful views! It is so beautiful here and the weather, temperature wise, has need great! Still waiting on our suit cases :/ but got to go fishing! Caught a "Bullhead" fish my first cast!!! Haha it was the only thing I caught :P We ate in the galley for lunch. Feels like I will be catching up on all the cafeteria food I missed growing up as a homeschooler Haha. I have pictures! but I don't think I will be able to post them due to our internet package :(   Oh how I wish y'all could see this yourself! Wow, the way I could carry on maybe I should write a blog...."

Perhaps I will be assigning her to make some posts here!  LOL!  We are getting settled in now, their baggage has not made it here yet so they are sharing clothes with David and I...ha ha!  We will keep you all posted!  Thank you again for your prayers and support!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Travel Update

OK everybody, here is the latest update:

Kelly, Rachelle, James, and Angel have made it safely to Dutch Harbor, AK. Their baggage, however, did not. Since all flights to Akutan have been cancelled due to fog, they will be spending the night at a/the hotel in Dutch Harbor.

The plan is for them to catch the first flight out tomorrow, if there is one. If they cannot catch a flight, they will try to catch a fishing boat by tomorrow afternoon. The ride shouldn't be too bad this time of year, but... it is still the Bering Sea!

Please continue to pray for all of us. I still have to preach tonight for the church service. I will try to keep you all in-the-loop!

In the mean-time, here is a photo of the "Traveling Fox's".  The got to spend a day in Seattle, WA with Chuck and Diane Bundrant.  Chuck and Diane were gracious enough to show Kelly and the kids around the Seattle area.  The picture is from the needlepoint in downtown Seattle.

They all had a great time getting to know one another better!  I look forward to hearing more from them all when they arrive here!

Thank you all for your prayers and support!  Until next time!


Saturday, June 16, 2012

On Their Way!

Well, Kelly, Rachelle, James, and Angel are on their way to Alaska!  They left yesterday for Seattle, WA from Newport News, VA.  Please be in prayer for their safety and that they make all of their flights.  They should be leaving early Sunday morning for Anchorage, AK and then on to Dutch Harbor, AK.  They then will have to get a flight, hopefully, on to Akutan, AK.  David and I are so excited we can hardly contain ourselves!  Here are a few shots Rachelle took:

James was so excited!  I know he is ready to see David and Daddy!

 The rest of the clan getting ready to board the airplane in Newport News.
Don't forget to be praying for Angel as well!

If all goes well, they should be arriving in Akutan Sunday night.  We will keep you all posted!


Friday, June 8, 2012

Another Day

Well, David and I had another day to do a little fishing.  This time we BOTH caught many trout!  We only ended up keeping two of them for dinner.  We made Trout Almondine and Jasmine Rice, it was wonderful!  Here are a few of the shots I took:

A good shot of David with the mountains in the background.  He was a little frustrated at first, but I advised some patience...and it paid off.

 A very happy man!  We ended up releasing most of them and keeping two for dinner.

The other happy man!

In the end, there can only be two.  These are the ones who made it onto our table!

Upon our return to the church, we found out that people had entered the gym to play basketball and had not taken off their dirty boots.  The entire gym is/was covered in mud and dirt.  This is the reason we provide gym shoes for people to change into (that several of you have graciously provided!).  So, today will be spent cleaning the entire gym...again!  We also have movie night tonight, so please be praying for that as well.

We are so excited to be serving our Lord here in Akutan.  God is doing amazing things here and we are humbled that He would use us for His glory.  Thank you all again for your prayers and support!

Peter & David

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Little Break

Well, I had just finished cleaning all of the bathrooms in the church and community center when I got a call from one of the ladies in the village.  She told me that someone had seen the trout running in the harbor and that David and I should go fishing.  So that is what we did!  Unfortunately David didn't catch anything, but I managed to pull out two beautiful fish!

It wasn't long until I had a fish striking my line.  We were fishing just down from the school where a creek feeds into the harbor.

I must say, David and I are happy to see the trout finally arriving.  We didn't think they would ever come!  Even though David didn't catch anything, I think he is more excited than me!

Here they are about to be dressed for breakfast! (We are having them this morning.)  I cleaned one and David cleaned one.

After a long day of cleaning yesterday, we then had a great turn-out for Bible study (even though we kinda smelled like fish!  Around here nobody seems to notice!  LOL!).  We are now going through the AiG study Demolishing Strongholds.  Everyone is excited about it and loved the first session!

After a great day of getting a lot done...great Bible study...successful fishing adventure...what could be better?  Well...the rest of the family should be here next week!  THAT will be great!

Just thought I would share with you all!  More to come!
