Well, we are almost in June. And that means…the rest of the family will be coming shortly! David and I are so excited we can hardly stand it! Please be in prayer for Kelly, Rachelle, and James as they finish getting all of our household goods stored. As of right now, they should all be leaving for Akutan the week of June 13th. An exact date has yet to be confirmed but we are all excited!
There has been much going on here in Akutan. Recently David and I attended what is called the “Elder’s Dinner” in the village. It was a wonderful time of meeting more people from the village and enjoying a great meal. Of course sea-lion stew was on the menu again and smoked salmon was a new addition for us. There are many more kids in the village now. Most all of them attend school elsewhere in Alaska and then come home for the summer. So, David has made a few new friends here. It is a very different way of life out here in the bush.
The weather continues to be fickle. It pretty much rains everyday with temperatures staying in the upper 30’s. Thankfully the snow has begun to melt and the grass is starting to poke through! David and I had an opportunity to take a hike without snowshoes last week. It was beautiful! Once over the ridge behind the church the whole world becomes silent with only the cries of the eagles filling the air. We took a break and just read through a few Psalms and took in the view. Magnificent, is the best word I can come up with to describe the experience. It has appeared that not too many people get out into the mountains to enjoy creation. Each time we have gone out, we haven’t seen a soul…quite different from Virginia!
The ministry is doing well. We have had quite a decrease lately in attendance of all activities. I am told that this is due primarily to the strange fishing season we have had. There are still crab boats coming in with their catches and most workers have gone home to see their families. There should be a gradual influx of people over the next month or so, but we will see. The largest part of our ministry lately has been one-to-one contacts with folks. At times it is frustrating due to language barriers (Arabic, Russian, Somali, you name it, it’s here!). But the Lord continues to open doors for us and has given David and I great opportunities to grow spiritually.
Please continue in prayer for us as we serve here. I won’t sugar-coat it…at times, it is very difficult being away from our family. Clearly the Lord has sustained us over the last few months (as He has Kelly, Rachelle, and James also). Pray specifically for James and his transition as well. We are still exploring curriculum for his schooling. In fact, anyone who may have any recommendations for a “Home-based” DVD schooling curriculum for children with Autism, we would be very happy to hear it! Please drop us an e-mail or give us a call.
Until next time…we remain, Faithfully Serving,
The Fox Family
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