Thursday, September 13, 2012

An Overdue Update

Hello Everyone!

I’m sorry you haven’t heard from us in a while.  Things have been quite hectic here lately.  We have also had computer/e-mail troubles.  We almost lost all of our e-mail, but I have recently salvaged them!

Since I last posted we assisted in the closing ceremonies of the village Culture Camp.  That was quite a lot of fun!  We utilized the church/gym for hosting most everyone from the village.  All of the youth did a great job and we all learned a lot!  I will try to post up some more pics when I get a chance.

We have had A LOT of people utilizing the gym recently.  This has opened up the opportunity for sharing the Gospel with many.  Recently we had over 40 people in attendance for our Friday “Movie Night”!  Of course I gave a gospel message at the end of the movie that was very well received and everyone received a Gospel track on their way out.

One other incident that happened over the last couple of weeks:  I had a gentleman come in and ask for prayer for healing.  He had been having fevers of an unknown origin along with a rash that medical treatment was not alleviating.  Despite the best efforts of medical personnel here, they were at a loss as to what to do for him.  He could not work at the plant and they were going to send him mainland for treatment and then home.  He expressed to me how important this job was for him and his family in the Sudan.  He said he did not know what to do, so he asked for prayer.  So we went to the Lord in prayer and asked God to heal him.  Less than a week later, the man’s name was Peter also, he came back into the church and was all excited!  He said, “The Lord healed me!”  We were both very excited and had a great time praising God for His wonderful grace!  Indeed the Lord had healed him within a couple of days after we prayed.  He is back to work and doing well!  The Lord even changed his schedule so Peter might be able to attend more church services now!  God is good!

We are almost halfway to our goal of Bibles needed here!  Thank you to everyone who has contributed by buying Bibles and sending them to us.  It makes such a big difference when we are all reading from the same Bible during the preaching time.  This is especially true with the younger believers here….hey! it’s hard enough for those of us who have been believers for a while!  LOL!  If any of you wish to help us out with this, or any other resource, just go to our SUPPORT page.  We truly do appreciate you standing with us for the Gospel!

In the near future, the Fox family will be attending the Arctic Barnabas Ministry Family Retreat in Port Alsworth, AK.  Thanks go out to the church board for providing this time of refreshing for each of us.  I would also humbly ask for your prayerful consideration of any financial donations you, or anyone you might know, who would like to help us meet the financial cost of the retreat.  We can make it happen, but we would be most appreciative of any help that could be provided.  If you are interested in helping with this, please contact us directly.

Again, thank you to each of you standing in prayer with us while we serve our Lord here in Akutan!  We appreciate your support more than you know.  I look forward to sharing more of what our Lord is doing as the days go on!

Till His Nets Are Full,
