Rachelle leading the children in their songs.
The children were absolutely adorable in their t-shirts that they had made during VBS!
Kelly teaching one of the Bible Stories.
David helps out one of the little ones.
David leading one of the games. (I'm too old for that stuff ;-)
Immediately following the dinner was our Friday Night Movie. Once again, a great turn-out (I guess it helps for the plant not to have any fish, so everyone was off tonight). The movie was the last movie in the Left-Behind series. There were at least a dozen folks present.
The biggest turn-out was in the gym however! Rachelle counted over 50 people using the basketball court alone! I (Peter) promptly stepped in between games and gave a Gospel presentation that was very well received. The sketch I did was entitled “What’s Your Opinion?” It talked about Truth vs. Relativism. Many were challenged in their views on Truth and whether it is absolute or not. There was great interaction from the crowd and everyone present received Gospel tracts.
Not many got close, but they were all listening!
Days like today, even though we were all TOTALLY exhausted, God shows us why we are here! There are so many that haven’t heard a clear Gospel presentation, but are willing to listen! It is also so amazing that we are able to proclaim the Good News to so many different people-groups. As I look back on the experience this evening, there must have been about a dozen different countries and languages represented as I shared the Good News of what Jesus Christ did on the cross for us. Please pray with us that the Lord uses His Word in a powerful way over the next few days/weeks as people think deeply on the truths proclaimed this evening.
On one final note, please take a look at our “Support” page (just below the picture at the top of the blog). We could still use some more Bibles here! Even if you only can send one or two, every little bit helps! There are other smaller resources that we utilize listed as well. We thank each one of you for your support both in prayer and finances. If you ever have any questions for us, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Your Fellow Servants in Christ Jesus,
The Fox Family