Movie Night!
Well, we had a very successful Movie Night last night! There were about 20 people who showed up to see National Treasure. Every Friday we show a movie here at the Church/Community Center. Yesterday was the first day most everybody was off work, so we had about 20 people show up! It was great to see the three Muslim guys I had talked to earlier in the day. As everyone left they all received tracts (Thank You David!). We only had two rejections of the Gospel tracts.
Thanks to the Church Board members, the church now has a projector that we can show movies on. People are very excited way out here to have such a luxury! Pray that the Lord will continue to use this medium for His Glory and that many will be reached with the Gospel.
The Lord heard some of your prayers yesterday! We had a beautiful day and the Grumman Goose was able to make 3 trips for mail! Woooohooooo! I don't think I have ever seen so many people so excited over a plane! LOL! I think everyone who lives in the village was out at the landing sight! David even ran out and took some cookies to the pilot. Hopefully the bribe will help him return again soon! ;-)
Please continue to pray for us, that we will faithfully share the love of Jesus with all we come into contact with. Kelly has mailed out our Open-Air sketch-board supplies, so hopefully that will be arriving soon. Pray also for the carpenters working on our sketch-board here. I just found out that one of the important guys working on the project has left for vacation.
A special thank you to all of you who have made donations to our ministry! Kelly and I are attempting to figure out a way to track all this stuff, but we haven't yet. We are still trying to work out some type of an account arrangement. We will keep you all posted. Thank you all again for teaming with us!